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Player piano

Distributor: Wurlitzer
Date: 1927 ca.
Place Made:DeKalb, Illinois, United States, North America
Model: Ellwood
Serial No: 79273
Metal plate on player mechanism: This player action is manufactured by / the Melville Clark Piano Co., DeKalb, Ill. / Manufactures of the famous APOLLO / Player Piano, and is guaranteed by us for / five years, which is the same guarantee / we give on the APOLLO / MELVILLE CLARK PIANO CO.
MarkingsOn frame of player mechanism: 232L
On back of music rack: 75144
On back of lower plate: 967 / I
On music rack locks: PAT NOV. 18. 99
DescriptionUpright player piano. Plays 88-note rolls.
AAA-c5 (7 octaves)
Two pedals: soft, dampers
The player mechanism utilizes a graduated soft system (similar to the graduated swell on melodeons) which is divided in the center of the keyboard (between c1 and c?1).
Three buttons in front of the keyboard:
1. Soft pedal (bass)
2. Sustain pedal
3. Soft pedal (treble)

A lever on the right side of the keyboard controls the tempo.
A sliding panel in the lower front plate provides access to two pedals which pump the vacuum bellows.
Oak finish and finished back

DimensionsHeight: 54 7/8”
Length: 63 5/16”
Width: 27 ¾”
Credit Line: Gift of Harry A. and Audrey M. (Grubb) Vogt, 1987
Not on view
Object number: 04184